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SMART Goal Plan


Prior Teacher Strengths:


*Dicscourse- This past fall/winter (2017/2018) I had the opportunity to teach first grade full-time.  During that time, I was able to actively engage students in problem solving, allow them to communicate their reasoning to others, and show multiple representations for both numbers and our math work.  Much of this was done in the number talks we had before the start of each math lesson.


Persistance/Knowledge of Mathematics- This past semester (Spring 2018) I took a college level physics class.  In that class I was able to use previous math knowledge and work through problems that helped me see the real world applications for what I already knew.  Prior to that I had taken a college calculus class that gave me foundational math knowledge useful for the physics class.  Both classes required persistence to increase my understanding and I received an A in both.


Positive Attitude-  I am very interested in the fields of Science and Math and how they relate to each other.  I try to expose myself to compelling topics to keep that interest sparked.  For example, I often tend conventions in D.C. where science speakers come to share information.  Most recently I attended a convention in April 2018 where I was able to hear Nasa scientists/engineers speak about their development of the spectrometer aboard their Saturn probe Cassinni.


Reflection-  Areas of Growth:


Knowledge of Mathematics Pedagogy-  Since my undergraduate degree was in psychology and not education, I have a lot to learn in the are of general mathematics pedagogy and student learning of mathematics.  This contains all aspects of lesson planning, including assessments.

The Curriculum Principle-  encompasses understanding the “big ideas” behind various mathematic standards (national and VA Sol) to create appropriate lessons.  If the knowledge of math pedagogy will help me with the “how” of math learning, my curriculum principle goal will help me understand the “why.”


Reflective Disposition-  involves continuing my professional development and reflecting on teaching practices and student learning, while completing this class and the math content class to follow.

Student Engagement and Conceptual Understanding-  As an effective teacher, I must create a learning environment that allows for active exploration and understanding of concepts.  One which allows and even encourages mistakes.  This means a class that learns by doing rather than by rote memorization of facts and procedures.




My SMART Goals


To demonstrate my understanding of 1) backwards design and my ability to 2) engage students through cooperative problem solving I will create an appropriate lesson plan.

By the end of the semester I will have created a thorough and effective elementary mathematics lesson plan with the following two goals:


  1. I will develop this lesson plan using backwards design.  The plan will include the following:

    1. The essential questions or “big ideas” the students will be expected to understand.

    2. The learning objectives and standards to be covered.

    3. Assessments to used and how students will demonstrate mastery of the learning objectives.

    4. A description of the learning activities and procedures involved in teaching the objective.

  2. I will include in my lesson plan an engaging learning activity centered on solving a problem through student collaboration.  This activity will include the following:

    1. An engaging problem to be solved that relates to the essential questions of the lesson.

    2. A post whole group discussion in which students of the various small groups can share their findings with rest of the class.

    3. Ideas for guiding groups that get stuck, without giving them all the answers. 

    4. A list of any common misconceptions students might have regarding the concepts covered, so that I might prepare for addressing them.


Follow Up:  Upon completing my smart goal and handing in my lesson plan for evaluation, I will also add it to my online portfolio.  The experience will assist me in developing lessons for future classes I will teach.

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