Five Senses Technology Integrated Unit
This five senses unit integrates various technology and contains a lesson plan with over a dozen lessons and learning and assessment activities. This is intended for ages 4-6 and complies with the K.2 Virginia Standard of Learning:
The student will investigate and understand that humans have senses that allow them to seek, find, take in, and react or respond to information in order to learn about their surroundings. Key concepts include
a) the five senses and corresponding sensing organs; and
b) sensory descriptors used to describe common objects and phenomena.
This is a very important SOL for students, the essential questions being, how I do learn about and understand the physical world around me? The simple answer is with my five senses. This lesson can help young students understand what that means.
*It should be noted that the lesson plan included uses 5 classes each consisting of 55 minutes lessons, for a total of 275 minutes of instruction. Some county school systems recommend 6 classes consisting of 45 minute lesson each for a total 270 minutes of instruction on this topic. The lesson plan can certainly be adjusted if necessary.
*A special thanks to Anja Henderson for peer reviewing my Tech Unit and my website. It was Anja that actually gave me the idea to switch to Wix in the first place. She brought up the improved functionality of having a horizontal drop down menu, which is something you can't easily do in Blogger. It was a lot of work, moving everything to the new website. However, I see it as a valuable time investment, as I really think think my site is going to grow much easier during my academic career after switching to wix. Anja also gave me advice I will use for future videos, which is something I definitely plan on doing in the future, now that I have my own YouTube Channel. She suggested I switch to a different color font that is more readable. And I think a black font is definitely easier to see. She also gave me advice about where to position things on my website. I think this was very helpful, as I really love the clean look of Anja's website. It's definitely worth checking out, especially if you're an English teacher. Thanks again for all your help Anja.