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QR Code In-Classroom Scavenger Hunt

          When describing this project to an acquaintance of mine, his response was "I guess things have certainly changed."  And this acquaintance is a nuclear technician.  But that is our job as educators to get students ready for living in the world of tomorrow.  And the truth is things certainly have changed and in many ways are students, as digital natives, are often more comfortable with technology than we are.


          This particular educational project integrates the technology of (Quick Response) QR codes with an in classroom  scavenger hunt.  The project contains five groups, each containing an image clue and QR code that links to a related video.  Rather than simply viewing the videos, the students are actively engaged in interpreting what they viewed and finding the next image it leads to by exploring their classroom.  This type of activity can be beneficial for helping students make use of those higher level thinking skills.  The learning objective e of this particular exploration project is to teach kindergarten students a little about how the nose works and some words related to the nose and the sense of smell (i.e. nostrils, olfactory bulb, molecules, etc.)  


         This lesson supports Virginia standard of learning K.2, The student will investigate and understand that humans have senses that allow them to seek, find, take in, and react or respond to information in order to learn about their surroundings. Key concepts include a) the five senses and corresponding sensing organs; and b) sensory descriptors used to describe common objects and phenomena. 


         It is recommended that you place a print out of each image clue along with its corresponding QR code and various locations in your classroom.  The last clue links back to the first, this way students can start at any image/QR code pair to begin their quest.


          Below you will find each group, containing the image clue, the QR code, and the corresponding video that it links to.


*Note* This requires students to have access to a mobile device, such as a phone or tablet. Device must have a QR scanner app downloaded. Such apps can downloaded for free.

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